I'm sick... like a cold sick. How much can this suck? Sick for exams, sick for the trip, sick for the beginning of the summer. I sneeze like a little tornado, which is really not that cool. Today i decided to finally clean my closet and make some room for Marta when she comes. (yay! i'm so excited... :D) So basically what i did is emptied my closet, and rearraged everything. I also filed the 9th grade papers and binders. It was a big mess, but now everything is in order and i actually found room for Marta's stuff. Yes, i know I'm proud of myself too. hehe.
Yesterday, the game between Poland and Germany... we (as in poland) played hard, with all of our strength. In the 91st minute germany scored a goal. Even though we lost, we won't advance to the next level, I'm proud of the Polish Team! You guys rock the world!!!! So the final score was 1-0 for germany.
Tomorrow is my DDP exam... joy! I'm gonna review later this afternoon.

<3 Paulie
u sneeze like a tornado... that's a good one. poor pauli. drink green tea or whatever you drink to connect with your asian side.
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one word: UPDATE!
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