After sleepover
I was/am at a sleepover at marta's place. At 2pm i have an appointment to go for a facial. (It's 12:30 here). On thursday at 2pm i have a dentist appointment... so as you can see, my life is kinda busy... yeah...
It's really hot here, and zero rain. cloudless sky and burning sun.
Germany is out of the world cup, italy won the match.
I kinda have to go but as you can see, I updated... yayness!
Good job with the updating. We're proud of you. Represent!
Poor Germany!!!
We aren't REALLY out of the world cup. But We lost to Italy for two reasons.
#1. The Mafia (lol it seriously looked like it, the fouls were really out of place and the italians were all being drama queens).
#2. The team was all tired from the argentina match.
btw, I'm also in europe as I type this(Ludwigsburg,B-M), and I got a WM present fo' you, I'll give it to you next time I see you.
lol, it sayz 9:20 on my comp.
You should comment on your comments. Yes indeeeeed.
...We need milk. Im sad.
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