Back to School

Sorry i didnt update for such a long time... but its not like anyone reads this crap anyway. How was everybody's summer? Are ya'll excited to be back in school? Cause i'm not. This summer has passed by way too fast...
The only good thing about going back to school is seeing all your friends and random people that you know. My schedule is ok i guess... at least i'm in the lunch period when most of you guys have lunch which is nice. :)
I'll try to write more often.. but knowing me its not gonna happen.
Thank you Paulina I am nobody thats nice to know! =[[
I shall run to a corner&&hide now!
='[... Well I luff yooh even though you forget me =O How dare yooh!
I luff yooh Paulie wants a Cracker!
Yay, Paulie updated! :-D Yeah, summer has totally flown by while these couple days of school seem to have dragged on and on... I'm already ready for my next vacation. *sigh*
Finally Paulina! Noone is excited to go back to school, I know I'm not. I'm hoping for summer already...
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